Quality, reputation and customer first have been the consistent policy of our factory for 70 years. For this reason, our factory has established a nationwide sales and service network for products and accessories. No matter what your needs are, we will let you get meticulous care and satisfactory answers in a timely manner.

It is your wise decision to choose Liu Erkong. Everything for your needs is our goal. We will do better because of your support.

My company's national sales and service points are: Beijing, Shanghai, Shaanxi, Liaoning, Sichuan, Shandong, Jiangsu, Henan, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Hubei, Hunan, Yunnan, Fujian, Inner Mongolia, Hebei.

Our service commitment:

       Give the user a satisfactory answer within 24 hours after receiving the user's call.


After-sales service phone : 0772-3837343

Complaint supervision telephone:189 7802 2783,WeChat


Supervision and Complaint WeChat QR Code


Liuzhou Liuerkong Machinery Co., Ltd.

contact us

Address: No. 39, Longtan Road, Liuzhou City, GuangxiSales

Hotline: 0772-3837342

Hotline: 189 7802 2783

              137 0780 3109

              136 0782 9817


Service Hotline: 0772-3837343
Fax: 0772-3831513



Official website QR code


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